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103/10/24 LED 封裝及熱管理技術講座
隨著全球LED照明市場不斷高速成長,LED的應用已逐漸普及。雖然這幾年LED發光效率有顯著提升,但無可諱言LED之散熱議題仍是業界需積極處理的問題,從晶片封裝、散熱基板及應用產品均面臨不同層次的散熱問題。台灣熱管理協會這次特別邀請大陸 華中科技大學的羅小兵 教授趁來台參加國際構裝與電路板技術研討會(IMPACT)之際,來本會講授LED熱管理技術講座,從LED發熱機制、LED熱流問題、LED熱源控制、LED接觸熱阻及擴散熱阻控制及可靠度等層面一一解說,讓與會學員有系統地了解LED熱管理問題。
1) Wide applications of LED and its advantage/羅小兵 教授
2) LED lighting principle;
3) LED industry chain;
4) LED packaging functions;
5) Existing thermal and fluid problems in LEDs and their importance
6) Heat generation mechanism;
7) Factors of affecting heat generation;
8) Calculation of heat generation;
9) Present solutions to control heat generation;
10) Future trends in LED heat generation control.
1) Thermal resistance network in LED packaging and applications;
2) Thermal contact resistance and its control;
3) Thermal spreading resistance and its control;
4) Component to ambient thermal resistance control;
5) Why thermal reliability;
6) The main heat and fluid problems in LED reliability;
7) Solutions to control the reliability.
會員價:NT$800 非會員價:NT$900 訂購數量:

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